Missionaries supported by St luke’s

Taulama Siuhengalu

CMS (Church Missionary Society)

Shepherding God’s flock in South East Asia

Taulama is based in Hanoi, Vietnam,

"There is an increasing number of believers in Vietnam, particularly amongst ethnic minority groups, and many are keen to grow in their faith. However, limited access to resources and poor training means few local gospel workers are equipped to shepherd the flock.

By partnering with a local Bible college, I hope to be involved in discipling, training, and encouraging the next generation of Christian leaders to be equipped for ministry in their churches and local communities." Taulama

international nepal fellowship australia

International Nepal Fellowship Australia supports community-led projects that increase food and income, improve health, respond to disasters and prepare for life in a changing climate.

INF partners with local organisations in Nepal who live and work among disadvantaged communities. They're best placed to lead because they understand the needs of local people and work collaboratively for solutions.

SponsOr Child

St Luke’s Liverpool sponsors a child through Compassion Australia.

A young girl from Indonesia, named Amelia, is supported with necessities, such as food, water, clothing and education, and learning about Jesus and the Bible.

how can I support these missionaries?

If you would like to give financially to support any of the above Missionaries and Organisations, you are able to give to St Luke’s HERE

Alternatively, you can visit each of their websites above and find giving options from there.

Please also pray for the spread of the gospel through these missionaries work.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7